
ad                                udp/1773
ah                                ah packet (ID of internet protocol:51)      IP:协议号:51
bgp                               tcp/179
biff                              udp/512
bootpc                            udp/68
bootps                            udp/67
chargen                           tcp/19
daytime                           tcp/13
diameter                          tcp/3868, sctp/3868
discard-tcp                       tcp/9
discard-udp                       udp/9
dns                               udp/53
dns-tcp                           tcp/53
dnsix                             udp/90
echo-tcp                          tcp/7
echo-udp                          udp/7
esp                               esp packet (ID of internet protocol:50)     IP:协议号:50
exec                              tcp/512
fin-rst                           tcp fin and rst packet
finger                            tcp/79
first-fin                         tcp first fin packet
fragment                          fragment packet
ftp                               tcp/21
ftp-data                          ftp data protocol ( dynamic port )
gopher                            tcp/70
gre                               gre packet (ID of internet protocol:47)     IP:协议号:47
gtpc                              udp/2123 ( gtpv1/gtpv2 )
gtpu                              udp/2152 ( gtpv1 )
gtpv0                             udp/3386
h225                              tcp/1720
h245                              h245 protocol
h323                              tcp/1719
h323-rtcp                         h323-rtcp protocol ( dynamic port )
h323-rtp                          h323-rtp protocol ( dynamic port )
h323-t120                         h323-t120 protocol ( dynamic port )
hostname                          tcp/101
http                              tcp/80
https                             tcp/443
hwcc                              udp/10000
icmp                              icmp protocol (ID of internet protocol:1)
icmpv6                            icmpv6 protocol (ID of internet protocol:58)
igmp                              igmp protocol       IP:协议号:2
ils                               tcp/1002
imap                              tcp/143
imaps                             tcp/993
ipinip                            ipinip protocol     IP:协议号:4
irc                               tcp/194
kerberos-tcp                      tcp/88
kerberos-udp                      udp/88
klogin                            tcp/543
kshell                            tcp/544
l2tp                              udp/1701
login                             tcp/513
lpd                               tcp/515
mgcp                              udp/2727
mgcp-rtcp                         mgcp-rtcp protocol ( dynamic port )
mgcp-rtp                          mgcp-rtp protocol ( dynamic port )
mms                               tcp/1755
mms-rtcp                          mms-rtcp protocol ( dynamic port )
mms-rtp                           mms-rtp protocol ( dynamic port )
mobileip-ag                       udp/434
mobileip-mn                       udp/435
msn                               tcp/1863
msn-audio                         udp/7001
msn-derived                       msn-derived protocol ( dynamic port )
msn-discard                       udp/9
msn-stun                          udp/3478
multihome                         sctp multihome table
mysql                             tcp/3306
nameserver                        udp/42
netbios-datagram                  udp/138
netbios-name                      udp/137
netbios-session                   tcp/139
netbios-ssn                       udp/139
nntp                              tcp/119
ntp                               udp/123
ospf                              ospf protocol   IP:协议号:89
p2p                               p2p protocol
pop2                              tcp/109
pop3                              tcp/110
pop3s                             tcp/995
portalserver                      udp/62314
pptp                              tcp/1723
pptp-gre                          pptp gre
qq                                udp/8000
qq-derived                        qq-derived protocol ( dynamic port )
radius                            udp/1812
radius-accounting                 udp/1813
ras                               udp/1719
rdp-tcp                           tcp/3389
rdp-udp                           udp/3389
rip                               udp/520
rpc                               tcp/135, udp/135
rsh                               tcp/514
rsh-data                          remote shell data protocol ( dynamic port )
rtsp                              udp/554, tcp/554
rtsp-rtcp                         rtcp protocol ( dynamic port )
rtsp-rtp                          rtp protocol ( dynamic port )
sccp                              tcp/2000